British Executions

Grace Tripp

Age: unknown

Sex: female

Crime: murder

Date Of Execution: 27 Mar 1710

Crime Location:

Execution Place: unknown

Method: hanging

Executioner: unknown



Convicted of Murder on Evidence of the actual Perpetrator of the Crime, and executed at the Age of Nineteen at Tyburn, 27th of March, 1710

 GRACE TRIPP was a native of Barton, in Lincolnshire; and after living as a servant at a gentleman's house in the country she came to London, was some time in a reputable family, and then procured a place in the house of Lord Torrington.

 During her stay in this last service she became connected with a man named Peters, who persuaded her to be concerned in robbing her master's house, promising to marry her as soon as the fact should be perpetrated. Hereupon it was concerted between them that she should let Peters into the house in the night, and that they should join in stealing and carrying off the plate.

 Peters was accordingly admitted at the appointed time, when all of the family, except the housekeeper, were out of town; but this housekeeper, hearing a noise, came into the room just as they had packed up the plate; on which Peters seized her and cut her throat, while Tripp held the candle. This being done, they searched the pockets of the deceased, in which they found about thirty guineas; with which, and the plate, they hastily decamped, leaving the street door open.

 The offenders were taken in a few days, when Peters having been admitted as evidence for the Crown, Grace Tripp was convicted, at the age of nineteen years, and executed at Tyburn, on 27th March, 1710.